Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hand Props at the Recital

Hand Props at the Recital
When a class is using hand props, I usually use my own. You buy them and you own them. Just hand them out at the side of the stage before the dance and collect them as the dancers go off the stage. Practice this in the classroom for about 2 months before the show. Hand them out when they are lined up and then stand with a large plastic bag held open and they just drop the prop into the bag as they leave the wings of the stage. No one leaves their prop at home, no dog chews up the prop, no dad drives the wrong car with the prop in the other car etc… Try to eliminate all the problems you can so the parents only have to bring the child to the stage in the tights (you gave them) the correct shoes, and the costume (you gave them) and the head piece (you gave them).