am giving away free music to get new teachers started in their studio.
If you are a new teacher or a recent graduate in dance and want to get
started with a studio please call me (or internationally email me) and I
will help you pick out a Danc'eM program for your new studio and I
will give it to you for free!
I was young, I danced professionally in summer stock, night clubs, in
NY and in touring companies. I moved back to my home town and started a
dance studio. I really didn't know that much about how to do that but I
just jumped right in and rented a place, ordered mirrors, and put up
my own barres (banisters on the wall-worked great!), but, I had a hard
time finding music. I didn't know where to go or what to do to get the
information. Sure, Dance Magazine was published then but I was in a
really small town in the South and couldn't find a copy anywhere.
Finally the local library got a copy for me and I got some phone numbers
and got started. It wasn't until later (MUCH LATER) that I found good
age appropriate music for small dancers and ordered that. I had my
studio broken into twice and all the 45 and 331/3 RPM records taken.
I'm sure the thieves put them right in the trash when they realized
they were mostly baby music! But, I still had to re-record them all.
(no way at that time to record anything for use in class, just reel to
would have loved a mentor that would have helped me or at least gotten
me on the right track. It took me years of trial and error to get
anywhere. I got married about 4 years after I opened up that studio and
we moved out of state. I found a teacher who said she would buy the
studio (we had an arrangement that she would pay me a certain amount
each month for 6 months and then it would be all hers). Well, she didn't
pay me anything, just went to the landlord and said she was the new
owner and signed a new lease and stole everything.
Boy, did I have to learn the hard way about lots of things even after that. Where was my mentor??
That is one reason among many that I try to help teachers find age appropriate music for their school.
We are a small personalized company that is trying to make a difference in dance teacher's lives.
So, please contact me if you need a helping hand getting started. I will give you free music to get you going.