Saturday, January 31, 2015

Timing the delivery of the costumes

Timing the delivery of the costumes
One thing I did learn from years of telling moms what color tights to get for the show, (you know there are a million colors of ‘pink’ and ‘black’) is I would just include a pair of tights in the costume bag. Just charge extra for that and everyone will have the same color. You won’t have to listen to hysterics at the rehearsal when you say “these aren’t the right color pink tights” unless of course you have some they can buy from you on the spot. Buy some extra for the kids who tear the ONLY pair that matches so you can sell them at the dress rehearsal or at the show. Also, buy the tap bows and put them in the costume bag with the costume, head piece and tights.

Don’t be tempted to give out the costumes in pieces. By that I mean, the hats came in but the costumes didn’t so you are tempted to give out the hats just so you won’t have to store the hats until the rest of the costumes gets sent.

Don’t do it…
Also, I don' think it is a good idea to show the costume or the picture of the costume to the students until closer to the date of the show. It is really hard to sustain enthusiasm about the costumes and the show for very long. Little dancers don’t understand 'time' so when you start to talk about the show and the costumes and 'months' or 'weeks' they think it is coming soon not in 3-4 months or a LONG TIME to little kids. Showing the costumes to the parents only sets you up for the inevitable talk about what is wrong with your costume decision making.
I am seeing studios on Facebook with the dancers trying on their costumes already (January!). If you send them home you run the really big risk that the dancers will wear the costumes, the dog will eat it, they will wear it until it looks 'used' or it will just get lost. One year a student got her costume and the parents took the family out to eat leaving the costume in the back seat of the unlocked car and someone took the costume. I couldn’t get a replacement for it in time for the show.
Remember: There's no crying in dancing school.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Picking out the Costumes

Picking out the Costumes
I know you are right now up to your eyeballs in those costume books. Really!!!!! Just pick out something you think will work and make sure you order it before Feb. 1 and then just forget about it until they start to arrive. I used to order basics and decorate them, I’ve made 14 bakers hats, about a million head pieces, sleeves, arm pieces. You name it and I have made it and most of the time made 13 or 14 of them. It really isn’t necessary to do that. Just find a reputable costume company, and there are a lot of them that will deliver the costumes on time, and then force yourself to order most of your costumes from one or two places. It makes it sooooo much easier. I used to order costumes from one place, head pieces from another, umbrellas from a different place and hats from another place, and then when they started to arrive it was a big mess getting all the accessories into the correct costume bags. It isn’t the end of the world if the costume isn’t perfect or isn’t spectacular. You can always tell the complaining parent that you wanted to save them lots of money and you know this costume will look great on stage in front of the lights. It is something they will wear for 3 minutes and only one time in their lives.
And remember: There is no crying in dancing school.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Be Prepared for Valentine's Day

Order Valentines for your studio
Just me nagging you to order your Valentines TODAY!!! You know you want to give out those little valentines or ‘something’ for Valentine’s Day to your little students. You know you don’t want to be at the all night drug store the night before, trying to find 200+ valentines. You know you don't want to have to go home and sign your name to all 200+ into the midnight hours.
SO, just get on line at or Oriental Trading Company and order up what you want. The darling UPS man will bring them to you and you will have a stress free Valentines. If you are getting cookies or any other kind of food, you can get it now and freeze it. Think about the students, the receptionist, the helpers and other teachers who you might want to give something. (don’t forget to get something for your husband! Haha) Be Prepared!!!! DO IT TODAY!!!!! 
And remember: There’s no crying in dancing school!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Crying Child in Dancing School

The crying child at dancing school
This, no crying, goes for everyone, not only the students, the parents, your teachers, your receptionist but most of all you. Do Not Cry at the Studio.

We all have our ways to get the crying child into the classroom. I usually let all the parents come in at the beginning of the first lesson (and maybe even the second lesson) while I talk about how much fun we are going to have today. It is better if the parents don't carry the dancer into the dance room. That makes it harder to pry them out of their arms and onto the floor. If they are already standing on the floor it is a lot easier to get them on their places on the line or on the color and then say:

“OK, everyone who doesn’t have on tights and a leotard or ballet shoes or tap shoes (or whatever the class is) has to leave now because the DANCERS are going to dance. That usually does the trick. The parents look at you like "ME??? I was going to watch.”

Hahahahahahah   "No, you aren’t going to watch", so get on into the lobby or go to Starbucks for coffee or whatever you want to do while I'm working/dancing.

By this time the dancers have had a chance to see you are really nice and the music is playing and everyone is dancing and we are all having a great time. Usually works. I like to start off with the “Tickle Me” dance with marabou ticklers. They love it and it gets their minds off being sad because we are getting tickled. 
This is so common that this year I did a Song called “No Crying in Dancing School” that will be out in the summer of 2015.  
Remember: There's no crying in dancing school!

Friday, January 2, 2015


Thinking about dancing school in a different way
I wanted to start a blog for all my followers and teachers that are using Danc’eM materials mostly because of all the unanswered questions and “what should I do about this” emails that I get almost daily.
I thought I might be able to get you started thinking in a different direction. Are you stuck doing the same things every year?? I know we have to teach first position every year but some things we can switch up to make it more fun for ourselves and the students. I’m going to give you some suggestions for different things to do and different ways to look at the old things you do. (how many ways can we look at teaching first position?) I bet you will be surprised!