Saturday, January 31, 2015

Timing the delivery of the costumes

Timing the delivery of the costumes
One thing I did learn from years of telling moms what color tights to get for the show, (you know there are a million colors of ‘pink’ and ‘black’) is I would just include a pair of tights in the costume bag. Just charge extra for that and everyone will have the same color. You won’t have to listen to hysterics at the rehearsal when you say “these aren’t the right color pink tights” unless of course you have some they can buy from you on the spot. Buy some extra for the kids who tear the ONLY pair that matches so you can sell them at the dress rehearsal or at the show. Also, buy the tap bows and put them in the costume bag with the costume, head piece and tights.

Don’t be tempted to give out the costumes in pieces. By that I mean, the hats came in but the costumes didn’t so you are tempted to give out the hats just so you won’t have to store the hats until the rest of the costumes gets sent.

Don’t do it…
Also, I don' think it is a good idea to show the costume or the picture of the costume to the students until closer to the date of the show. It is really hard to sustain enthusiasm about the costumes and the show for very long. Little dancers don’t understand 'time' so when you start to talk about the show and the costumes and 'months' or 'weeks' they think it is coming soon not in 3-4 months or a LONG TIME to little kids. Showing the costumes to the parents only sets you up for the inevitable talk about what is wrong with your costume decision making.
I am seeing studios on Facebook with the dancers trying on their costumes already (January!). If you send them home you run the really big risk that the dancers will wear the costumes, the dog will eat it, they will wear it until it looks 'used' or it will just get lost. One year a student got her costume and the parents took the family out to eat leaving the costume in the back seat of the unlocked car and someone took the costume. I couldn’t get a replacement for it in time for the show.
Remember: There's no crying in dancing school.

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