Sunday, January 18, 2015

Picking out the Costumes

Picking out the Costumes
I know you are right now up to your eyeballs in those costume books. Really!!!!! Just pick out something you think will work and make sure you order it before Feb. 1 and then just forget about it until they start to arrive. I used to order basics and decorate them, I’ve made 14 bakers hats, about a million head pieces, sleeves, arm pieces. You name it and I have made it and most of the time made 13 or 14 of them. It really isn’t necessary to do that. Just find a reputable costume company, and there are a lot of them that will deliver the costumes on time, and then force yourself to order most of your costumes from one or two places. It makes it sooooo much easier. I used to order costumes from one place, head pieces from another, umbrellas from a different place and hats from another place, and then when they started to arrive it was a big mess getting all the accessories into the correct costume bags. It isn’t the end of the world if the costume isn’t perfect or isn’t spectacular. You can always tell the complaining parent that you wanted to save them lots of money and you know this costume will look great on stage in front of the lights. It is something they will wear for 3 minutes and only one time in their lives.
And remember: There is no crying in dancing school.

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